What are the Key Benefits of Outsourcing Recruitment?

What are the Key Benefits of Outsourcing Recruitment?

Hiring the right talent is a crucial factor in the success of a business venture. This is why it’s essential to have a smooth and effective recruitment process in place. However, this is often easier said than done. Talent acquisition and onboarding has become increasingly complex as the needs of businesses become more sophisticated.

When a vacant position opens, significant organisational resources must be put into finding and recruiting the right candidate. And despite technological advances, it seems that recruitment is taking longer now than it did in the past. In view of this, a growing number of HR directors and executives consider outsourcing this process. In this article we look at the benefits of outsourcing recruitment to a specialised consultant.

A More Efficient Process

Finding the right fit for a position can be very time consuming, and in certain industries it takes upwards of 50 days before a position is confirmed. Even if you have a dedicated HR department, recruiting in-house can interfere with your team attending to other tasks.

On the other hand, recruitment process outsourcing experts can solve your staffing needs with a quick turnaround. Because time is money, this can also lead to reduced costs in the medium to long-term.


We can’t forget that staffing is a long-term strategy and hiring needs aren’t always stable. Sometimes, businesses require additional staff to handle seasonal demand or to open new departments. At other times, companies must downsize or consolidate the roles and responsibilities of their staff, with complex recruitment strategies involving redundancies, restructuring, and new hires. Managing these fluctuating needs can be complex and resource intensive.

Better Quality Hires

Outsourcing recruitment experts can help expedite the process without compromising on the quality of new hires. These professionals are exclusively committed to finding the best match for each vacancy, so they can devote all their time, effort, and resources to selecting the best qualified candidates.

Managed Talent Pooling

Staffing needs aren’t static, so it’s best to think of recruitment as a cyclical part of your business. It’s hard to anticipate how your hiring needs will look in the future, and if the need arises unexpectedly, you don’t want to rush into choosing the right candidate, nor take longer than necessary.

Outsourcing the process to a recruiter means that you benefit from managed talent pooling, where the strongest candidates are pooled into a database that can be accessed for future hiring. The shortlist can also include second-choice applicants, any candidates found through recommendations or career fairs and social media leads, and people who were ‘almost successful’ at interview for another position.

Managed talent pools maintained with dedicated applicant tracking software can further reduce time-to-hire and cost-per-hire.

A Data-Driven Process

Recruitment needs can span multiple departments and organisational levels, so it’s important to have a high level view of how effective your recruitment practices are, and their impact on your overall business efficiency.

Gathering, interpreting and analysing recruitment data adds a layer of complexity to an already complicated process. This can be streamlined when outsourced, especially when using advanced software tools that provide better analytics and reporting, so that every stage of the recruitment process is tracked.

Moreover, a data-driven recruitment process facilitates audits and compliance with current employment and hiring regulations.

Managed Recruitment Services From Blue Octopus

Blue Octopus combines ample industry expertise with advanced recruitment technology built by HR specialists for HR specialists. Get in touch to discover how outsourced recruitment can benefit your business.

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